miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

When shyness speaks for you

When shyness speaks for you

This is the story of a certain person who is very shy sometimes lonely but according to him it be in this way, because nobody can to overcome that armor he has, when he is in the park he read a book , the characters are more risky than him and they are more stronger and better than He is anyway . They are characters like detectives or people fighting for others, who do their best to live fully, nothing compared to him. Someday I was sitting in a park reading a book ... .Sherlock Holmes, the great detective, sometimes good the perfect model for a woman, intelligent and very practical. Suddenly crossed in his mind a story that he read me in this form…

Sherlock Holmes was in the park that sitting while analyzing an important case in a bank stole. But something distracted his attention , a woman sitting in another chair , his face white as snow , the most beautiful face I 'd see ... but there was something in her look some sadness that caused when someone does not love you as you love him

Holmes was interested; he wanted to know what happened to her because she would be so sad? He wanted to invite her to a coffee to hear that because sometimes people need ... to be heard. And so it began to devise a plan in his head to approach and say the right word and wait not be ignored in the process, it could happen that was ignored for being interested in something that he should not you import or simply she would leave the place without a word

And so it was a long time … imagining in his mind the scene, the words and the time to come and talk he imagined so much that he don’t see that the girl was gone He had been watching another woman who wore a similar coat His expression was blunt was very confused because his detective instinct had failed true or false but happened and he was so disappointment for analyze and not achieve nothing

I have to dedicate to my work he said while he get up to the chair and go to the studio and continue their case because it was very late and He was distracted only by thinking if He could do something that he was determined to do

I this form end the history, that person who was very shy imagined another person do the same things that never do with all his weakness It was imagined more his mind and fears as if they had taken over his mind and had made a person next to him an afternoon sitting in a chair in a park with nothing else to do